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/f create yourfactionname (Costs $500) | Create new faction |
/f who factionname or playername | Show info about a faction |
/f claim (increases in cost the more you claim) Bonus $ to claiming enemy territory | Claim a 16x16 block area for your faction |
/f join factionname | Request to join a faction |
/f leave | Leave your current faction |
/f power (playername) | Show your power or optionally another player |
/f chat | Switch between world, ally, or faction chat |
/f sethome | Set the home of your faction |
/f home | Teleport to your faction home |
/f owner (playername) | Allow only the specified player to use the 16x16 block faction claim |
/f ally factionname /f neutral factionname | Request ally or neutral with another faction |
/f enemy | Go to war with a faction |
/f money b | Show faction’s bank balance |
/f money d # | Deposit money into your faction’s bank |
/f money ff # faction faction (fp = faction to playler, pf = player to faction) |
Transfer money from one faction to another |