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/whois player | See info about a user (real name, IP, etc) |
/v (/v check to check if vanished) | Go invisible to watch new players for griefing |
/kick player reason(optional) | Disabled from abuse, use jailing and mute |
/togglejail player Jail# time Shortcut: /jail player 5 15m |
Throw a player in jail – Example: /togglejail Player Jail5 15m |
/ejail player | Auto jails player to Jail5 for 1 hour |
/togglejail player | Release from jail |
/d | Set daytime |
/wsun | Stop rain |
/lag clear | Clear all entities in the world. You can also specify entity (/lag clear spider) |
/seen player | Shows if player is banned |
/setwarp | Create a warp point for all users (check if already exists) |
/xp | Get XP |
/spawnmob wolf:tame | Spawn tamed wolf |
/spawnmob chicken;sheep | Spawns a sheep riding a chicken |
/spawner mobname | Change mob spawner mob type |
/nick player nickname | Set a nickname of a player |
/dmarker | Controls markers on the map |
/ban player reason | Bans a playername | /ipban player reason | Bans IP of player |
/tempban player # sec/min/hour/day reason | Temp bans the player with time (/tempban nublet 30 min reason) |
/tempipban player # sec/min/hour/day reason | Temp IP bans the player with time (/tempipban nublet 30 min reason) |
/unban player (or ip) | Unbans a player and all IP addresses they’ve used |
/checkban player | Checks if a player is banned |
/a message | Admin only chat channel |
/atoggle | Lock admin only chat channel mode |
/co i | Sets tree/wood block to info tool |
/co rollback {options} | Rolls back blocks defined by the options specified |
/co restore {options} | Restore all blocks defined by the options specified (use same options as rollback to undo a rollback) |
Option U:{playername} | Specify the playername to rollback/restore Example: U:Notch |
Option T:{time} | Specify the time to rollback/restore Example: T:2w,5d,7h,2m,10s |
Option B:{block#} | Specify block #'s rollback/restore only specific block types Example: B:57 (diamondblock) |
Option E:{block#} | Specify block #'s to ignore specific block types during rollback/restore Example: E:57 (diamondblock) |
Option R:{radius} | Specify the radius of blocks around you during rollback/restore Example: R:5 |
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h | Rollback Notch 1 hour |
/co rollback u:Notch t:23h17m | Rollback Notch 23 hours and 17 minutes |
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h b:1 | Rollback ONLY stone placed/removed by Notch within 1 hour |
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h e:1 | Rollback everything Notch did in the last hour except for stone |
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:10 | Rollback griefing Notch did in the last hour within 10 blocks of you |
/co rollback t:15m r:30 | Rollback everything done in the last 15 minutes done by anyone within 30 blocks |